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Futurologi: Talk about 3D printed fashion at iMakr

Time: 20:00-21:00

Date: 29th November, 2016

Location: 79 Clerkenwell Rd, London EC1R 5AR

What is futurologi?

futurologi( is a micro conference/workshop format where speakers are invited to give 10 minutes talk about their personal prospective (or future scenarios) in relation with their area of expertise. Every edition is an exploration of a different theme, which allows many interesting people to be invited from diverse disciplines and levels of development. Depending on the topic 3, 4 or 5 speakers might be invited to be a part of a specific edition.

Why is this relevant?

As humanity has progresses at increasing speeds, we must reflect on the direction we want to channel this energy into, what routes to take and why. futurologi seeks to be this place, by posing hypothetical scenarios presented by a curated selection of speakers, along with the resulting conversations that are always triggered afterwards. The purpose is not to necessarily provide concrete solutions but rather ignite a deeper mindfulness the possibilities ahead, both positive and negative. Our premise is that talking about the future will lead to better choices.

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